Back Yard Launch, March 25, 2012
Back Yard Launch
March 25, 2012

After a very long hiatus (for various reasons), I finally got an opportunity for a small launch tonight. Tracy, my wife, was the only attendee, and is responsible for all the photos below.

Click the pictures for a larger view.

Lo Flier launch and return

First up was my Lo Flier, on an A10-3T (as were all the launches tonight). It was a fast flight, angling slightly to the south, and unfortunately descending in the same area. It got hung up in the neighbor's tree, but I was able to recover it with a long pole and a stepladder. Damage was slight and repairs will be easy.

Mini Max launch and return

Next was my stock Mini Max, on an A10-3T. I angled the rod slightly, and got it to recover inside the yard. The body tube got a slight "Estes dent" but was otherwise undamaged.

Modified Mini Max launch and return

Third, I launched my modified Mini Max, on another A10-3T. It recovered inside the yard, but only barely. This time, it was the nose cone that got dented... go figure.

Nova launch and return

I angled the rod a bit more, and put my Centuri Nova reproduction on the pad. The flight was high and straight, and it recovered close enough to the pad that I was able to catch it. It's been a long time since this old guy managed that feat.

It was a good evening for flying, and it was sure good to smell the black powder burning.


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Last Updated 10/13/2024